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VPIC1’s Union in disaster relief activities

Regarding the floods in the North this time, the company’s union mobilized employees to donate money and formed a relief team to directly go to the affected area.

The disaster area chosen this time for relief is in Cao Bang province, an 8-hour drive away, then another 4 hours to go deep into the mountains to provide relief to 3 rural areas devastated by the disaster: Ca Thanh, Yen Lac and Vu Nong. These are very remote and impoverished areas.

A total of 14 households were given priority for disaster relief, all of whom were severely affected, with their houses swept away and some people killed. Each household was given 15,000,000 VND in cash and blankets with the hope that they could return to normal life as soon as possible.

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對於這次的越南北部水災, 公司工會發動員工捐款, 並組隊親自前往災區賑災

此次選定的受災區是Cao Bằng省, 車程8小時, 之後再入山去到三處鄉災Ca Thành, Yên Lạc, Vũ Nông又花了4小時, 是很偏僻窮苦的地方

賑災對象共計14戶, 都是房子被沖毀有人死亡的嚴重受災戶, 捐助給每戶現金15,000,000越盾和棉被, 期望他們能早日恢復正常生活

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Social Activities Quarter 3

At the beginning of the school year, the company went to Vinh Phuc Technical College to award scholarships worth VND 1,000,000/person, a total of 10 scholarships.

In early September, Northern Vietnam was severely affected by the typhoon. A total of 26 provinces were affected and more than 200 people died. The company immediately donated 200 boxes of instant noodles and VND 300,000,000 in cash to the Vinh Phuc Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, contributing to disaster relief.

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在開學時刻, 公司到永福省技術高專致贈清寒獎學金, 一人 1,000,000 越盾, 共計 10 份.

九月初越南北部受到颱風影響災情嚴重, 共 26 省受到影響, 兩百多人死亡, 公司在第一時間捐贈 200 箱泡麵, 以及 300,000,000 的現金給永福省祖國陣線(uỷ ban mặt trận tổ quốc việt nam), 為賑災盡一份心力.

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Social activites in second quarter of 2024

In response to the charity initiative by the Children’s Fund under the Department of Labor of Vinh Phuc Province, the company donated 29 bicycles to children from impoverished families in Yen Duong and Ngoc Thanh towns. This contribution also received support from suppliers Xpark and Dimond, who donated an additional 7 bicycles.

Nguyễn Lan 尚無留言

2024 年第二季度社會救助 

響應永福省勞動局底下的兒童基金的慈善活動, 公司捐贈 29 台腳踏車給 YenDuong 鎮和 NgocThanh 鎮的貧困家庭兒童, 本次捐贈也得到供應商 Xpark 和 Dimond 的響應, 另外捐贈了 7 輛腳踏車。 

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Social assistance in the first quarter of 2024

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, to share warmth and affection, the company has prioritized considering the people in the vicinity of the company, this time in coordination with local authorities, to visit Song Lo district and Khai Quang ward in Vinh Yen, to give a total of 79 poor households Tet gifts and cash along with the sincerest New Year wishes.

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過年送暖, 公司總是會優先考慮公司所在地附近的居民, 這次與地方單位配合, 到Song Lo縣, 永安市和開光坊, 共計給79戶貧困家庭送上過年禮和現金, 以及最真摯的祝福

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到10月份開學的農業高專學校, 公司發給15份清寒獎學金

讓貧困家庭在冬天仍能有個溫暖, 公司聯合兩家供應商(河內鋼鐵,Minh Dũng), 配合丹島紅十字會到三個鎮(Minh Quang, Hồ Sơn 和 Hợp Châu)捐助棉被, 共計35戶家庭受惠

公司捐出24,000,000越盾作為起始金, 舉辦第二次公益園遊會, 在公司全體員工熱情參與下, 最終活動所得143,000,000越盾, 全數交與公司工會, 在過年前專款專用, 幫助公司內的貧困員工

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在開學時刻, 公司到永福省技術高專致贈清寒獎學金, 一人1,000,000越盾, 共計15份

響應永福紅十字會與省府舉辦的國際急救日活動, 總經理和30名員工代表到永福省胡志明廣場參加紀念典禮, 並當場捐贈50頂安全帽給貧困家庭

另外, 公司所在的開光坊發起給一戶特別貧困家庭蓋房的募款活動, 公司捐了10,000,000vnd

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響應越南政府推動提高幼童戲水的安全, 到永福省TuDu鎮贈送貧困兒童書包和游泳券, 共計85名小朋友受惠

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農曆過年前, VPIC1與永福省紅十字會以及省公安配合, 到Khai Quang坊, 永安市, 和Trung My鎮給60戶貧困家庭送上過年禮和現金, 讓他們在寒冬之中仍能感到一點溫暖

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為幫助貧困家庭子女的求學不受影響, 在開學時刻, 公司到永福省的農業機械高專致贈清寒獎學金, 一人1,000,000越盾, 共計25份

今年特別把救助的對象轉回公司內部, 對家庭貧困的員工給予金錢上的幫助, 公司捐出26,000,000越盾作為起始金, 透過舉辦公益園遊會的方式, 在公司全體員工熱情參與下, 最終活動所得113,248,000越盾, 全數交與公司工會, 在過年前專款專用, 幫助公司內的貧困員工