Iris Yu No Comments

Go South to Invest … to build the core competitiveness of enterprises

Government to promote new Southward Policy, many Taiwan businessmen to invest in Vietnam consideration, HSBC Holdings chairman Cheung Ming Fai reminded swim south to investors, companies must seek to build the core competitiveness, if just keep thinking about the use of local low-wage conditions, doomed only “nomadic” every so often you have to relocation, can not take root.

In recent years, many Taiwanese have withdrawn from the mainland, because of low wages just want to take advantage of local conditions, but failed to take the opportunity to build their core competitiveness, wage hike with the mainland every year, ultimately had to withdraw.

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Iris Yu No Comments

VPIC1 Raised VND $160M to Help Relief Central Vietnam from Flood Damages

In response to the recent flood in Central Vietnam, employees from Vietnam Precision Industrial No.1 (VPIC1) had devoted themselves and collaborated with local charities for a disaster relief fund-raising event. The company and its staffs had expressed great enthusiasm that they were able to action their social responsibilities and raised a total of VND $160millions .

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Iris Yu No Comments

Eurocharm Nominated as a Candidate for Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young Taiwan

To allow a better understanding of all walks of life shortlisted entrepreneurs business philosophy and strategy, Ernst & Young also held on the 12th, “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Forum” 2016 finalist entrepreneurs to “innovation heritage, to create a new driving force in Taiwan,” the theme exchanges, highlighting Taiwan enterprises family were struggling entrepreneurial spirit, heritage new generation, sustainable development.

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Iris Yu No Comments

Monozukuri – Japanese definition of creativity in production

(VTC News) – Vietnamese enterprises are learning and applying the Monozukuri program of Japan all share that they have achieved considerable success in production and business. 

Monozukuri is a Japanese word, in which “mono” means product and “zukuri” means the process of creating a product. However, Monozukuri is not simply “product creation,” but rather a concept that only provides the idea of a process of building a productive spirit, a system and the standard processes for creating. Out a good product.

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